Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I seriously wish I could find a job. Anything that isn't getting cycled through shit telemarketing job after shit telemarketing job or spamming my friends with some asshole's marketing scheme.

Scoliosis (in my case) makes it hard to have a job where I don't get to sit down. When I don't get to sit down my back gets so messed up that I end up barely able to walk. And to my ex boss: "take an aspirin" is really shitty advice for someone who is limping and in serious serious pain. That ends up meaning that I basically HAVE to work a sitting job or a combination job. And most sitting jobs that can take you just for the summer are shitty telemarketing jobs. Jobs where you have to take a lot of verbal abuse both from people on the phone and from your boss. I've dealt with a borderline mother and a lot of bullying/abusive behavior in my lifetime and so it's kind of hard for me to just let things go when I feel already like so many people are just ignorant worthless and pointlessly cruel. Telemarketing jobs are always hiring, always firing if you don't make quota. Which means I might just get shuffled back and forth from job to job to job all summer. AGAIN. Fucking A. This is really not going to be good for my self-esteem.

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