Thursday, April 16, 2009

No Drama, No B.S., No Personality, Just Love

Today I'm going to go on a shredding rant about dating sites. There are a few reasons why people want relationships. First of all, there are those pesky hormones/chemicals/etc that make us want to cram our genitals together as often as possible, but usually we evolve a bit from this point and decide to do it gently and slowly with some horrible music (at first) and then proceed to do the basic "kiss down" before the genital mashing begins. Of course, then there are people who want that whole "emotional" connection, they want it to be about that special person, not just about getting some. And then they want this natural process called sex to be romantic. All noble ideas, but it's hell to find someone you can tolerate as a person...actually LIKE as a person...and wouldn't feel too awkward about sleeping with, not to mention someone who respects and cares about you enough to make sure it's a special and loving experience. Okay.

At 16, people use myspace to force their lacking personalities on people. Just about every girl is "totally random and completely insane lawlz!!!" and has flippy hair that hangs in front of her eyes and takes pictures that almost look like she's almost kissing her friend cuz "OMG LESBIANS THAT'S SO RANDOM AND INSANE!" Then this girl gets older and settles on a sexual orientation (which quite often is bi or fluid...) and joins a dating site.

As a 16-year-old fucktard, she learned that the "totally random and insane!" lifestyle led way to lots of "drama and stupid b.s.-ness" so she's changed and become "totally chill and laid back, just looking for somebody else who's chill and laid back like she is." She wants someone who will bring NO baggage of ANY KIND to the relationship. Someone who has never been hurt, resents no one, doesn't have problems, and can always be cheered up with a smile and a hug. After ten thousand billion relationships like this turn out to be boring and completely about sex, she tries dating someone with a soul. Since she has no soul of her own, and tries to encourage the normal human being she's dating to "just chill" and be "laid back" with her, nothing works out and she decides the normal person is "totally dramatic and b.s. and full of drama and baggage OH EM GEE!" and leaves like a spoiled little bitch. Of course THEN she goes back and starts posting "I just want someone CHILL. I MEAN IT. If you're not CHILL we're going to have PROBLEMS okay?" If you aren't chill and totally cool around her, you can expect that she'll disassemble your vital organs.

What is with all of this damn "chill" anyway? "Chill" is not a personality trait. First of all, chill is supposed to be a verb, not a noun or an adjective. Second of all, while it's nice to be able to be laid back sometimes, it shouldn't be your general constant state of being. People get raped, most people in this world are not trustworthy, people GET HURT in relationships so being "laid back" all the time is ignorant and selfish. That's not to say that a person should force their problems on others constantly, but real relationships take work. Real relationships involve hurting people and figuring out how to move beyond those hurts. Real relationships involve coping and healing together JUST AS MUCH as they involve the "good stuff." Real relationships don't involve finding someone who can "just chill" and "lay back" with you while the world moves on without your ignorant selves.

That is all.