Monday, May 25, 2009

Is this normal?

Just to warn you, this is going to be grosser than usual

So yesterday we (my roommate, my parents, and I) were at my grandparents' house saying goodbye to them since we came back to Minnesota (my parents to visit/move stuff, us to stay,) and I had to use the bathroom before we left. So my mother comes in there and starts going on and on about how long I'm taking and THEN she starts like watching what I'm doing and how I'm wiping my THE FUCK? And then she starts complaining about how I must be obsessive compulsive because I don't leave bits of shit around my anus and infers that if I'm not having anal sex it shouldn't matter if I have shit in my anus... WHAT THE FUCK?

And she made me get up because "it had to be flushed" halfway through my least this time she didn't insult my pubic hair.

So then she's yelling really loudly in the bathroom like, "ARE YOU STILL POOPING?" so the whole house can hear about it.

And she keeps patting me on the ass...which is getting really old, even though I keep telling her not to touch my ass.

And THEN we're at a rest stop and I come out of the stall and she starts making some huge ass deal about me taking a while in the bathroom so I ignore her and she gets all sad and is like, "you walked right past me," *pathetic voice* and then gets really stupid about it so I feel guilty and I go back and then she starts making comments about it.

So THEN like...we're at the apartment later and I'm using the bathroom and she's like "can I come in and talk to you?"

Like WHAT THE FUCK is my mom's issue with me using the fucking bathroom? I'm getting really tired of it and she's raising shit (no pun intended) over every stupid little thing and just getting all ridiculous about nothing and I just ugh I don't want to be around her anymore it's just...I mean being an insufferable bitch is one thing but barging into the bathroom (it didn't have a lock on the door when she came in so don't tell me I should've locked it) and smacking my ass that's a problem.

1 comment:

Knightmare said...

That sounds like your mom has attachment issues. In a way, I can relate that to my mom, who feels it necessary to call me dialy when she's out of state, and stay up late waiting for me when there's a thunder storm out.

As much as this annoys me to say, she's not comfortable with the fact that you're growing up and will eventually "leave her" when you're on your own. And as long as she has any grasp over you (helping with bills and or the apartment) she'll find these assholish ways to be in your life. Believe me, I understand what you're talking about, even if they're not the exact same situations.

It feels weird making sense of that, that's supposed to be your job.

Oh, and there's no way in hell I'd use any bathroom that couldn't lock. I mean, once when I was 13 our bathroom lock was broken, and I made a "door restraint" out of some extension cord and a belt. But that's just me.